Amiga Sweater. Yarn.
This weekend was quite... I spent most of it at home cleaning, reading, working on WIPs, planning new projects and yarn baking (that's how I call yarn winding). Here's what I played with this sunny Sunday.It's been awhile since I've made something on my knitting machine, so I'm casting on something new - Amiga Sweater. It will be a basic plain stockinette stitch classic sweater with round neckline. As many of you know amiga means friend in Spanish (feminine gender). This sweater will be a small gift for my dear Elena. You already know Elena, she became a huge part of this blog with her beautiful photography of my FOs. She is the one who makes me climb the rocks and trees, walk in heels in arroyo, climb the mountains with air balloons, wake up at dawn and - oh horror - look in the camera (my biggest fear I guess :))There is a lot going on, we are both at the threshold of changes that the life is holding for us and we both need to take important decisions in our lives... Most probably we have only several weeks left together (nothing tragic!!!), so we try to enjoy this time as much as possible. Elena is going to travel to Russia this summer, so I thought a handmade custom knit sweater specially for her in soft cotton of teal color will be a perfect Thank you for all that we've been through together these several months.Here are my freshly baked beauties.
Just can't get enough of them! This color reminds me of ocean - green or blue depending on light. So perfect for Elena's blue eyes. The yarn is 100% Mexican cotton called Trigo (wheat in Spanish). Incredibly soft!
I want the sweater warm enough to wear in the plane, I know how cold it can get there. So I winded it double strand.
The swatch was knit on a machine and this time I made sure it was big enough to avoid disasters of "misgauge" that I faced with Pure dress.
I know I am going to enjoy working on this sweater a lot. It will be my 5.30 a.m. companion :) It's weird, but I just love to knit on my machine the first thing in the morning! I'm going to keep you posted on the progress!! Oh, and one more picture of this yarn - I am sorry, I just can't get enough of these precious skeins!
I hope you had a wonderful creative weekend!