Knitting and The Law of Gravity
Happy Wednesday!
I often wonder if there is such a thing as a law of gravity that attracts not only us to the Earth, but also events, things and people into our life, some kind of gravity of energy. I love to create knitwear, to look at knitwear, to write about knitwear and take photos of knitwear, so maybe this energy attracts people into my life that have something to do with knitwear from thousand kilometers away?! Or I am overthinking? :) Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I had a pleasure to meet a lovely girl who came for a short vacation with my friend to our town. She happens to live in London right now and study ... textiles in Royal College of Art!!! If you read my Knitting Inspiration series, you know that many fiber artists that I admire graduated from RCA and I absolutely adore this place - I watched all their videos, read everything about this institution and dreamed of visiting it one day. Can you imagine what I felt when I actually met somebody in real life who is studying there?!! And what are the chances to meet a RCA student 10 000 km away from London?! Oh, my dear universe, I love you! To put it mildly, I was all over the girl - I asked million of questions and was way too enthusiastic! It was so inspiring to have a glimpse into this realm of textile and knitwear design! She actually studied for a year with Jessica Leclere, that I really admire as a knitwear designer. I was so inspired by this encounter and beyond grateful - it definitely found reflection in my current projects!I guess this creative energy transmitted into my Moeke sweater that is blooming and I am falling in love with it more and more every day. I am slowly converting my hectic scribbles to a normal knitting pattern language. I think the test knitting part will start in 2-3 weeks and I just can't wait - so looking forward to seeing it recreated!
I also came back to my knitting machine after a one week break. Machine knitting is one of the main crafts taught in RCA and it is mind blowing to see what you can do with it! There is still so much to learn and discover for me, lifetime is not enough. I also wanted to say how touched I am by all the emails and messages I get from fellow crafters saying that they came back to their machines after a long break, because they saw my projects or they are considering buying their first knitting machine to try. Do you know what it means to me?! I am a huge advocate of machine knitting craft and I hope to see more and more hobby knitters using it!My Bamboo sweater's pieces are slowly coming off the machine. I had to change my initial plans of making a simple 4-piece sweater - the yarn is very thin, hence the amount of stitches I need is way too big - the knitting doesn't fit on the machine, so I have to make it in 8 pieces. I got frustrated at first, but then realized that it is a great opportunity to experiment and play with textures/patchwork techniques. I am curious myself what will come out of it...
I also got a very sweet gift from my husband - the set of 12 bamboo crochet hooks! He heard me complaining once that I can never buy all that I need in local craft stores and found the set for me online. He is definitely not a romantic guy, so this is a huge gesture :) Do you feel like there comes a moment when your family realizes that your hobby is so much more than just a hobby for you and starts contributing to it? I love how light and simple they are!
What can I say... I love my craft, it brings so much joy into my life. Feeling grateful...
I hope that you are enjoying your projects and your craft energy has a very strong gravitational pull!
Joining Yarn Along.