Deep End. Details.
FO - Deep End.
My first gift is ready to be wrapped up! My Mom hasn't figured out how to read my blog yet, so I am sure this will be a surprise for her :)
If you are looking for a relaxing knit that can be picked up anytime and anywhere - Deep End is perfect. It was my in-between project while I was working on St. Brigid - a nice break from complicated cables and modification calculations. I know I am not the only one who takes breaks from knitting project picking up another knitting project! I was knitting it after a long day at work when you just can't concentrate on anything more complicated rather than stockinette or garter; taking it to my friend's place and knitting away while drinking the best fresh juice in town and spending quality time with dear ones; I took it on a long road trip on the way to our World Crafter, Tessa and was knitting while driving through beautiful mountains and wild arroyos.The pattern is really easy to follow and provides all the necessary information in the right place. The simple design is easy to remember and after a couple of rows you get the logic and can literally knit with closed eyes.
Project Notes
Ravelry Page. Deep End. The notes include all posts on this dress listed in order.Pattern. Deep End by Heidi Kirrmaier.Yarn. 100% cotton. Yarn details can be found here - New Beginnings. Deep End Shawl.
Design details.
Color. Deep End is a great stash busting knit which gives countless possibilities to experiment with color combinations - cover it in narrow stripes or big blocks of color or even choose to knit it in one solid color; use contrasting colors or go with gradient effect - anything that your imagination can come up with! I was working with everything that I found in my stash that seemed to match the color palette. Edges. Edges were the ones that attracted me most in this design.
I love how straightforward and easy their construction was, but how much difference they make - this very special detail that spices up a simple design.
Texture. Simple change between stockinette and garter stitch create interesting fabric that in combination with color changes and lovely edging make Deep End very engaging to knit. It was such a relaxing knit for me, that my gauge is a little bit off in several places, which blocking made almost invisible.
I see my Mom wearing it with a simple white jacket on fresh Russian summer nights...
I hope you are a having a wonderful week!